Mastermind Vision | New Levels
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The Vision Behind New Levels Mastermind


Aspiring & established agency owners don’t have a tribe, training, tools, or the tenets that shows them how to earn a $10k+ per month freedom-focused income. 

To help ambitious agency owners who take action to earn a $10k+ per month freedom-focused income & thrive in both business & life by providing them with the tribe, training, tools, and tenets to do so.

Our philosophy


Client results are the main thing.


Keep the main thing the main thing.


Do more with less.


Make things that provide outsized, compounding long-term value to others.


Freedom comes from discipline.


Make great things people cherish.


If it’s not fun, you are doing it wrong.


A lifestyle of time, money, and location freedom is our priority.

Our process

A 4-part mastermind program to help you thrive as an agency owner & up-and-coming entrepreneur. Never look to courses, coaching, books, or scattered content again to achieve a High-Income, High-Energy, & High-Satisfaction Lifestyle.
1. Tribe

A private, dedicated community that supports each other in reaching the highest levels of success in both business & life.

2. Training

Step-by-step video training that’s collaboratively created based on the mastermind members needs.

3. Tools

All of the software, apps, scripts, worksheets, resources, etc. that can help you fast-track your success.

4. Tenets

Embody the millionaire mindset, paradigm, and principles of elite top level entrepreneurs.

What's inside

Tight-knit Community of Entrepreneurs


This is the most valuable aspect of the entire mastermind.

52 Weeks of 2-Hour Weekly Mastermind Calls

Weekly coaching calls

Weekly mastermind calls for 2-hours every week for the entire year.

8 Weeks of Step-By-Step Video Training 

Step-by-step VIDEO COURSe

Collaborative video course crafted with the community.

Plug-N-Play Resources, Scripts, Templates & More

Save time & money with these plug-n-play resources

You will seriously save hundreds, if not, thousands of hours because of these resources.

New Levels Mastermind Is For You If...

You want more than what you currently have in your life right now

You want to build your own online business that enables to you live a life of independence & freedom. 

You want a high-level network of people on a similar journey as you that you can collaborate with to learn, share, discuss, support, celebrate, and grow together. 

Agency owners with clients who want to take their agency to NEW LEVELS

Freelancers, 9-5ers, students, or entrepreneurs who DON’T have an agency but want to start one and have the time to dedicate to doing so

Entrepreneurs who’ve built a biz before but who wanna build an agency for the cash flow & freedom and are down to put the work in to make their dream come true.

Action takers. Not people who chase shiny objects all day long. Come in and take BIG advantage of everything to scale your agency. We will help you commit to focusing to ONE thing, but you have to be dedicated and ready to put in the work.

New Levels Mastermind Is NOT For You If...

You’re not willing to listen, follow instructions, and do the work necessary to success. 

You don’t plan to contribute to the community by asking questions or sharing answers. 

People who want to get rich quick. Hop off this page right now. Not for you. An agency will not make you rich overnight.

Entrepreneurs with shiny object syndrome: if you always switch biz models, niches and goals, New Levels isn’t for you. Only join if you’re 100% dedicated to growing your agency and can commit to it.

Anyone wanting a quick fix. Building an agency takes time & effort to build and run, especially at first.

People expecting guaranteed results without putting in the required work. We know what works but obviously can’t guarantee anything. We provide you with what you need. It’s up to you to leverage it.

Our pursuit

We're in this for the long-term.
Help you build a freedom-focused online business to $10k+/months
Help you develop the habits and systems for longterm success
Help you make a global ripple effect through our positive interactions with others

Our core tenets

These are our core tenets that we operate by. They're ever-changing & always improving. They act as a compass to guide our decisions––big or small, internal or client-facing. Whether you’re a New Levels client or team member, you’ll see these tenets in action.
👷‍♂️ Do the hard things, especially when you don’t feel like it.

This is skill that will allow you to succeed with almost anything you choose to pursue.

🛠️ Continuous micro-improvements lead to longterm success.

1% better every day leads to 365% improvement in just 1 year. Don't underestimate the power of micro-improvements.

⚡️You can't win unless you start. You can't lose unless you quit.

Truly the only way to lose is if you give up. We're a mastermind of people who choose to never give up on their goals & help support each other along the way.

⚙️ Systems set you free.

Everything in life is a system at it's core. We believe if we craft the right systems for our business & our life, we can create an end result that we love & truly enjoy for the long-term.

🫵 We are 100% responsible for our lives.

Responsibility: We are 100% responsible for everything around us.

🏆 Strive for excellence & greatness.

Ultimately, we're playing one big game of life. Why not make the most of it?

Constantly challenge yourself and others to be better, to be great.

Behave with personal excellence. This creates a positive ripple effect on the world.

🏡 Build a house you want to live in.

Examine long-term thinking & action.

💡 Everything is figure-out-able.

No matter what happens, we will handle it. Everything is figure-out-able.

🤹‍♂️ Follow the fun.

Work should be enjoyable. If you don't have fun, you'll have a hard time doing it for the longterm.

Make work that feels like play.



Our team - It's still the beginning, but we're always growing!

Founder & Program Teacher

Systems and Operations

Client Outreach & Success Manager

Client Support

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Join our 100% remote, mission-driven team.

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